Monday, June 27, 2011

Turkey Basil Home fries

Ingredients: Potatoes Turkey Sundried-Tomatoes Parmesan Basil Garlic Shallots

When searching for cooking info, I find myself looking up preparation videos much more than recipes. We already know most of the recipes, simply by eating out and ordering off a restaurant menu.  What we lack is the behind-the-scenes magic.  I attached to this blog every video that I used when preparing this brunch recipe.

Dicing: Keep your potato stack tight and structured.  If you're having trouble, let your knife do the work and make longer, lighter pressure cuts.  If things get too shaky, it's ok to disassemble and finish the job with each individual piece.

Par-cook:  That means partially cook.  If we don't do this, the potatoes will take forever to cook in the pan.  Wash your potatoes to get rid of that starchy film.  Microwave chopped potatoes for about 3 minutes.

Pan finish: Get that pan as hot as possible before adding a layer of olive oil and your potatoes. You'll want to alternate with a lid on, lid off, tossing them around with each switch. Be patient! Let them sear for minutes. You know you're done by the color.  Add salt and ground pepper during this process.  Don't expect a color as dark as the restaurants. That is achieved with butter and an industrial kitchen.
Basil and turkey chopping: Living on my own, one bunch of basil will soon spoil if I don't eat a ton each time.  That's fine with me! Roll the leaves up and chop.  I used the same technique for the deli turkey.

Garlic and shallot frying: I learned this from my mom. It's a great way to garnish any dish, providing a strong punch of flavor without overwhelming rawness. Start with a thin layer of olive oil in a small pan, high heat.  Mince garlic and shallots (this will take practice, I grabbed the big bag of peeled garlic from Costco just for this purpose)  Add to oil. Remove in about 20 seconds (maybe even less, it happens fast!).  Let it rest in a bowl to complete the cooking process.

Final assembly: The last steps all happen in the span of 30 seconds.  When the potatoes are done, add the turkey, the sundried tomatoes.  Toss.  Add the parmesan and the garlic and shallots.  Toss.  Plate and cover with chopped basil.

1 comment:

  1. Writing Blog is like making excellent dishes, working together and sharing with each other is more fun
