Saturday, November 19, 2011

Shooter's Sandwich

Behold: the unassuming wheel of wonder aka shooter's sandwich
Illustrious cast: mushrooms, shallots, garlic, bacon, parsley, mustard, white wine, bread bowl, chicken breast
 Preparing duxelles: finely minced mushroom, shallots, garlic, low heat to evaporate water
 Add wine and reduce
 Chop and add parsley, thyme
 Start some bacon slices
 Hollow your breadbowl.
Line the bottom with half your duxelles, some mustard, and your bacon.
 Pan fry your chicken. Butterfly it for even, fast cooking.
 First and only flip
 Jam it in the bowl.
 Cover with remaining duxelles and more mustard.
 Can you spot the sandwich? Set for an hour.
Really, really, good.

Really fun recipe! Dumping stuff directly from the pan into the bread bowl felt strangely cooperative; I was suddenly involved in a ritual as a supporting cast member. It also reduced the number of dishes I had to use, down to zero.

I used a food processor for the duxelles.
Not sure what I'm going to do with the insides of the breadbowl. 
This is traditionally made with a beef steak and prosciutto. Chicken and bacon is my rookie adaptation.
When panfrying bacon, start with your slices on a cold pan, increase the heat gradually. 
I panfried the chicken in the bacon drippings to shorten cleanup.

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