Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Pickled Onions

My new secret weapon.

I have never eaten at Frontera Grill, and frankly, it makes me a little nervous. It's impossible to get in. I called this week hoping for a reservation in December. Every single weekend is booked until mid-February, 2012.

So, for the last six years, I've gotten by in my Rick Bayless-less life by deeming the hoopla completely ridiculous, and breezing into and through much less famous Mexican eateries in town. Until Evan came home from work a few weeks ago and told me about a Rick Bayless outpost in the food court at Macy's.

Food court? Like fast food? Kind of. But not. And, according to Evan, crazy-worthy-of-obsession good.

On my first visit to Frontera Fresco, I ordered carnitas. The pork was tender, the corn tortillas were freakily soft, but the single element that made me stand up and cheer was a hot pink tangle of pickled onion tucked in with the pork. Vinegary, like a sweet relish, it was just perfect.

Perfect and EASY. Here's what you do. Slice up a red onion into paper-thin rings. Pour over 1/2 cup of either red wine vinegar or cider vinegar. Add a few pinches of sugar and salt. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes, turning occasionally.

The onions will shrink slightly and soften while you get the rest of dinner ready, and then you're all set. It keeps in the fridge for a nice long while. 

(Evan knows the secret to a happy marriage which means getting his and hers guacamole from Chipotle.)

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