Saturday, July 2, 2011

Kale Rice

We've eaten out every night for the last two weeks. It was fun at first, but now we're feeling the pain. Too much wine. Too many ridiculously large portions.

Here's the first step to recovery: kale! Best food on earth. 

First, slice up the kale into thin strips, chop up half an onion or some scallions, mince some garlic, and saute it all together in some oil. While it's all softening in the pan, make your brown rice. I love Trader Joe's brown rice because it comes together in the microwave. When the kale is starting to brown along the edges, throw in some salt or a little soy sauce. After a minute or so, mix in the brown rice and let it sit and crisp a little in the hot pan before stirring it all together.

We ate this with salmon, broiled with a miso glaze. 

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