Saturday, September 3, 2011

Fish tacos

Although mahi mahi is the most popular choice for fish tacos, any white flaky fish will work. For best results, let the fish come to room temperature before you cook. Bonus: I feel better about leaving these out in the open because they're individually vacuum wrapped.

Rub and season both sides with salt and pepper. Panfry with canola oil on medium heat, about 3 min each side. Watch the cooking progress on the side of the fish. When it hits about 2/3 of the way to the top, flip.

Fresh corn tortillas. Microwave covered for 30 sec. Double wrap.

If you live in California, you have a Mexican market nearby. If you live in SD, well, you're even better off. Find it! You can get amazing ingredients for low prices. A 50 tortilla pack is $3. A pint of salsa is $2.

For lemon juice: Push down and roll the whole lemon around on the counter until it gets soft and squishy. Then chop off one end and you have a lemon juice dispenser.

I lacked the "proper" condiments of cabbage, cilantro, lime, etc. But this was absolutely delicious and filling, so I'm not complaining.

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