Monday, June 6, 2011

Steak, Potatoes, Mushrooms

Portobello Mushroom.  Drizzle a pan with olive oil.  Place the mushroom caps (destemmed) upside down on the pan on low heat.  Chop some vine ripened tomatoes and fry them in olive oil for a short while to warm them up.  Grate parmesan cheese.  Chop chives.  Combine them all together as pictured.

Pan fried steak.  I used New York cut.  The trick here is to carve and roll the steak to be extremely thin.  Trim the fat.  Add olive oil to a pan and wait until the oil starts to smoke.  Lay down the steak away from you.  If you've cut the steak thin, it should take only about 2 minutes for each side.  With steak, you must allow it to rest out of the pan for about 5 minutes.  Resist the urge to cut it open prematurely to check on cooking progress.

Mashed potatoes are kind of like chili.  You are free to throw whatever you have into them and experiment with cool flavors.  After washing and boiling potatoes with the skin on, I added a tablespoon of butter, a spoonful of Greek yogurt, chicken broth, chopped chives,  fried garlic and scallions, and freshly grated Parmesan cheese.  For the best cheese, the label of the cheese should read "parmigiano reggiano."  But this Parmesan works fine as well.  It's creamier than expected but the taste is still there. 

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