Thursday, June 9, 2011

Bourmont Lemonade

For the past week, Chicago has been experiencing a nasty heat wave. Walking out the front door is like walking into a smelly sauna right before the spa is about to close. I daydream of watermelon chilly from the fridge, cucumber salad, and This Drink.

But before we get to This Drink, I first need to breakup with The Other Drink: For the past few summers, the Moscow Mule has been my cocktail of choice. It's easy and refreshing and it's so fun to say. But while I loved it, I didn't love love LOVE it. I can't stand the taste of vodka for one thing. And it's always seemed a bit weak on flavor -- haven't yet found the perfect ginger beer. We drank and ordered it all the time, but I knew deep down in my heart that something wasn't right. We weren't a perfect fit.

But like so many doomed relationships (unfortunately) turn out, I needed to meet This Drink before I found the courage to say goodbye to MM.

You squeeze some lemons. Stir in some maple syrup. Pour over lots of ice with a splash of bourbon. Take a sip. Splash on some more bourbon. Relax. Ask yourself if you've ever tasted anything more delicious. Shake your head no.

I'm obsessed with This Drink. It's smooth and a little dark but still bright from the lemons. I love the genius of maple syrup as the sweetener so I don't have to take on the hassle of hovering over a hot stove, waiting for sugar to melt into a simple syrup. I love that there are basically three ingredients. (Which is kind of what drew me to the Moscow Mule in the first place. You learn something from every relationship.) But this is probably my favorite part: the bourbon makes the drink taste better. It softens the sharp edges of the lemon and underscores the almost savory notes of maple. There's something about vodka that always makes me feel like I'm trying to get tanked. This Drink knows you've had a long day, a hot day, and you need to unwind, but you're still going to need to get up and act like an adult the next day.

Bourmont Lemonade*, adapted from Smitten Kitchen

1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice (from about 8 lemons)
2 1/2 cups cold water
1/4 cup maple syrup

In a pitcher, mix lemon juice with water and maple syrup. Taste and adjust for sweetness/tartness. Fill two glasses with ice. Pour maple lemonade over glasses, leaving some room for a shot (or two) of bourbon. Add said bourbon. Stir. Drink.

*Thanks to EAR for christening my new love


  1. I made this today. I subbed Bushmill's Irish Whiskey for the bourbon. It was very sour so I had to add more maple syrup. It was still sour so I added more water. I quit adding sugar because I didn't want to waste all my syrup but I think you need more sugar.

  2. So uncool! We made some over the weekend, and they were perfect, so I ran the recipe by Evan again. A few notes:

    1. The original recipe says 1/4 to 1/2 cup of maple syrup. Evan uses about 1/3. So yes, it could be a little on the tart side with just 1/4 cup, but it's by no means undrinkable.
    2. I'm no whiskey expert, but I'm pretty sure it needs to be bourbon, and Irish Whiskey is an unsuitable substitute. I think the bourbon whiskey adds additional sweetness and creaminess.
    3. I really really hope your lemons and maple syrup weren't wasted. And I totally understand the reluctance to use too much syrup because it's so expensive. Between this drink and weekend pancakes, we go through a lot of maple syrup, so bulk is best. Next time you're at Costco, pick up a jug.
